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Monday, 27 April 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and response Plan for resuming all business and Construction worksite in INDIA and other countries.

COVID-19 Pandemic 

COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and response Plan for resuming all business and Construction worksite in INDIA and other countries.

COVID-19 being a highly infections epidemic, it is a most important that all workplaces take appropriate measures to ensure social distancing and follow standard health protocols as noti  rescue if any persons  find out  COvid-19 Positive (+) patient in your workplace and which mode of transport you have been used for  shifting  persons to Isolate words  , all the necessary actions must be in the places and same has been communicated with all the employees.
fied by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW). Appropriate Safeguards at workplaces have been follow by all the workplaces and Industrial and commercial establishments to resume on going work in India. Therefore you have to prepare COVID-19 Preparedness and response plan to ensure all the operations would be smooth and COVID-19 free workplace. This can be helping mitigate risk and provide a response plan for potential threats to your organizations. In this response plan you as organizations find out best response team inside your workplaces and must be connect your team 24/7 with Govt. Authorities and Local nearby Covid-19 Hospitals and others. Prior to start work conduct mock-drill for basic awareness on how to safe  transferring people to isolated area.

Hence, during resuming the work at workplaces all the organizations need to do JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) or HIRA (Hazard identification and Risk Assessment ) prior to start enter in workplace, where more than 4 people would be gather and combined work carried. Where more risk of infection of COVID-19? Who is affected? What is work strategy? Etc should be mentioned in SOP made by organizations and same has been communicated with all the employees all days.

Some important Guideline which has published by Govt. of India and World Health Organization (WHO) for your reference are given below;

1] This basic and life saving rules for (COVID-19) is applicable who are going to perform his/her duty for resuming Business such as Construction Operation and other.

2] Reduce your risk of COVID-19 Infection by Frequently clean hand wash by using alcohol-based rub or shop and water, when coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue- throw away immediately and wash hands.

3] All Surface area must be disinfecting frequently at least twice in day prior to resume workplace.

4] All personnel must be going through central sanitizer system installed in front of main entrance point and everyone should be check with temperature meters twice in day.

5] Main Concerns is about immune system that has been vary in all human to human, so follow the AYUSH Ministry guideline and other SOP for Increasing your Immune system and avoid such as (Smoking, Tobacco , Drinking alcohol and other bad habit that has decreasing your immune system ).

6] Avoid close contact with anyone that has fever and cough and also avoid touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose or moth to prevent the virus from entering your body.

7] Conduct Tool Box Talk (TBT) everyday for increase moral support and basic awareness in employees.

8] To conduct Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and Hazard identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) for find out potential Risk present at your workplace and what are the control measures should be taken from your side to avoid COVID-19.

9] Communicate JSA/HIRA and SOP with your employees and other co-workmen.

10] Avoid Smoking because tobacco exposed COVID-19 and its also bad for health, tobacco can decrease your immune system.

11] To prepared Emergency Response plan and conduct mock-drill in your organizations.

Download following free material which has been useful to #FightagainstCorona 

Download the CoronaVirus Tips for Employees ---(

Download COVID-19 Safety Measure ---(  

Download COVID-19 Safety Precautions ---(

Download Risk Assessment of COVID-19 ----( )

Download Risk Assessment of COVID-19---- ( )

Download the Response Plan for COVID-19  -----( )

Download the District Magistrate Circular of Ahmadabad --- )

Latest Copy of Health & Safety Checklist for COVID-19---- (

Safe Regards,

Smart Safety Academy Team

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