5 Important Tips & Tricks Every Safety Officer Need to know
Since last year's I had some interview with MNC & Indian based well-known Organization for HSE Position, After 12-15 Interview's given by myself for the same I was learn HOW TO CRACK INTERVIEW WITHOUT ANY FEAR and some common Question & Answer that I would like to Share with you.Please Read this beautiful article and share with your friends and group's to finding good result while interview.
All Human Being having some fearfobia such as "I know Everything,But i cant talk while interview or infront of Interviwer" Right ! This Fear can be change and increase your confidence by some Tricks & Tips ,
Dear friend's Please Find herewith Important Tips (Before and During Interview time)
1.Don't Seat untill offer
2.Say Good Morning, Good Noon,Good evening /How are you !
3.Don't Fear say static and loud voice
4. Be positive while talking
5.Don't Confuse
6.Pick Keywords from asked question.
7.Be prepared and Be honest
8.Remember what do you know .
9.Ask again if you listen improper
10. Thank interviewer
Must Read.....,
There are the most commonly asking Questions during interview and we would like to provide Suggesting Answer along with it.Q1 :- Tell me about Yourself ?
Suggesting Answer -
I am really energetic and a great communicator,working in HSE/Fire/Safety for last 7 Year's helped me to build confidence and tought me the importance of Self-Loyalty at Workplace.
I am Punctual,dependable and can be counted upon to finish what I start.
I Consider myself Hardworking/reliable/dependable/helpful/outgoing/organised/honest/cooperative.
Q2 :-Why did you leave your previous job ?
Suggesting Answer -
I have learned lot of from my current role,but now i am looking for a new challenge to broaden my horizons and to gain a new skill set -all of which i see the potential for in this job.I am looking forward to better opportunity to grow in job wise and financial wise. I want to learn more thing ,where am working.
I am looking a job where I can grow with the company.
Ideally I was leaved my previous job for better opportunity and carrier enhancement with global market movement.
Q3 :- What is Your Strenghts & Weakness ?
Suggesting Answer
* (Strenghts) I have always been a great team player. I am good at keeping a team together and producing quality work in a team environment.I am an adaptable person. I work for three different managers,they have very different management styles and expactations of me.
I am perform my duty well in under pressure.
* (Weakness )/Improvement - I have never very comfortable with public speaking which as you know,can be a hindrance in the workplace.Realizing this was a problem and i want to overcome with routine practices at company platform.
I have had trouble in the past with planning & prioritization, However I am now taking steps to correct this, I just started using a pocket planner.
Q4 :- Tell me about one difficult situation you have been faced in your past service/Job ?
Suggesting Answer -
I have faced a number of difficult situations, but the one that comes to mind now is ......(Describe the situations) I was able to deal with it by assessing the situation determining the possible different approaches and deciding on the most effective one.I had to remain unemotional and objective and focued on a solution.I am a perfectionist and I may be too hard on myself or my co-workers sometimes.
Q5 :- Where do you see yourself in next 5 year's from now ?
Suggesting Answer -
* Although it is hard to predict the future, I sincerely believe that i will become a very good HSE Consultant /Manger .* I believe that my abilities will allow me to excel to the point that I can seek other opportunities as a manager (The next step ) and possibly even higher.
* In Five year's I see myslef as a Valued Employee of a Company, I want to be an HSE Expert at my position and start Training to be a Manager.
* My Goal is a become a lead in five year's
* Although not everyone gets promoted to this level, I personally believe I can achieve this goal through hard/Smart work.
Q6 :- Why should we hire you ?
Suggesting Answer -
* I am a fast learner , Self-Motivated , I had to learn a totally new HSE MGT.SYSTEM in my last job and I was up and running within a couple of weeks.
* You require someone who can perform a wide range of administrative duties in safety. I have track record of carring out these different task's effectively and successfully.

* I have the right combination of skills & experience for this position.I also bring the additonal quality od strong analytical & problem sloving ability as shown by my introduction of more efficient work flow system at MNC Organization.
Thanks for reading this beautiful article,
If you have any suggestion please reply in comment box or personally on mail to -Firesafetyrevolution2020@gmail.com
Safe Regards,
#FireSafetyRevolution Team
Admin (Mahipal Megal )